To promote reading interest among users time to time efforts are being made. “Let us learn & make others learned” is the goal of our library, our college library is maintained in such a way to attract students for their intellectual upliftment & stimulate creative thinking. Their is separate & ventilated library building. Our library has collection of 8500 books in the discipline computer science, biotechnology, library science & journalism, cost of these books are near about 28 lacks. We subscribes 60 journals & Magazines published in different research fields. Also library have reference books like Who’s who, genius, world record, Road atlas, encyclopedia’s, like Britannica, Marathi vishwakosh, Bhartiya Sankrutikosh & other sub-wise encyclopedia. Dictionaries likes Chambers, Webster’s, Oxford.
The newspapers:- Marathi, Hindi, English makes available to staff & students. The whole collection of library is available on the circulation desk.
Services provided by library
Reference service, reffral service, information service, newspaper clipping service, etc,& facilities like home lending, night library reading etc. Computerization of services by using SOUL software (INFLIBNET) is in progress we are in process to make available online E-books & E-journals.